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Writer's picturePaula Lent

Solemnity of Corpus Christi - Cycle B

Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

“Then he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready.” (Mark 14:15)


Today is the Catholic Feast of Corpus Christi, a feast that began after God gave a 13th century Belgium woman visions which she interpreted to mean that He wanted a day that gave especial honor to the Eucharist. 


In today’s readings, we recall the covenant the Israelites made with God after leaving Egypt, and the Last Supper – the Passover meal during which Jesus instituted the Eucharist as his body and blood of the covenant. 


Covenants established new and lasting relationships. Each member of the covenant was bound to it, regardless of whether the other upheld their end — similar to familial relationships, where you cannot undo being your father’s son even if he disowns you, for example. 


We make a covenant with God each time we receive the Eucharist. But, perhaps it’s easy to forget this. 


Without the Holy Spirit, Mass can become rote, and there’s a risk of not receiving with the proper posture. 


My reception of the Eucharist has evolved over time, with a few notable thresholds. First, I heard of a non-Christian who, upon hearing of the Eucharist and witnessing a Mass, noted: In my religion, if we were receiving our God, we would be on our knees, crawling to the altar (with such reverence). As I then began to look with greater faith and understanding at the Eucharist as it was raised, I experienced the Holy Spirit more. Sometimes I received visions before or after receiving. Most commonly, I experienced the Spirit moving me to ask for specific graces as I walked up to receive; the reception of the Eucharist is a way in which we can receive more of the Holy Spirit. 


Recently, I was reflecting before Mass on the memorial (anamnesis) element of the Eucharistic prayer: There’s a mystery through which the Last Supper is made present each Mass, and we become part of it. This helped me to enter in more deeply, as if Jesus were speaking to me personally, offering his body and blood. 


Preparing to receive Him now, I hear Him ask: “Where is my guest room…?” 


May I always be able to respond that my heart is “furnished and ready” to welcome Him in. 




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