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Writer's pictureSarah Myers

Pentecost Sunday - Cycle B

John 15:26-27, 16:12-15

“He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you.” (John 16:14)

“Veni, Sancte Spiritus,” we fervently pray today in unison with the Church around the world. Depending on the mass attended the Gospel passages may differ, yet each is focused on the great gift of the Holy Spirit. 

As I reflect over this week leading up to today’s feast, I have come to realize with greater measure the goodness of this gift. Amidst a week of many changes in personal plans and a large family gathering, He has led me to a better understanding of dependence on the Holy Spirit. While praying a novena in preparation, asking for more of the fruits and gifts of the Spirit, I seemed to grow each day in greater realization that my own strength and virtue is so little. It seemed each day I would reach the end of myself sooner and realize my shortcomings all the quicker. Not only humbling, this also drew me to a better understanding of what a gift Jesus has left us in the The Third Person of the Trinity. Even my best efforts and actions are never perfectly motivated by selfless love for others and God. However, when I am completely reliant and dependent on the Holy Spirit, I’ve come to realize His love for us all the more. How quick He is to be my strength or consolation when I finally in prayer cry aloud my need for Him. Putting aside my tendency of pushing through in my own efforts, when I trust and allow Him to fully lead, I see for myself the fruit of His love and grace flowing through my restored relationship with myself and others. There is an ease, unshakable peace, and gentleness that seems to flow as I allow hardships and my own weakness to move me into leaning on Him all the more. 

This Pentecost, let us not be ashamed by weaknesses or flaws, failures and shortcomings. Instead, turning joyfully to the Lord, let us ask for more of The Spirit to fill these empty and lacking spaces. In asking, we do so with childlike confidence that God will be glorified. As Jesus states, He holds nothing back of Himself for our perfection in grace and greater unity in the Body of Christ.


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