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2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle C

John 2:1-11

“So they filled them to the brim.”  (John 2:7)

One is only left to imagine what thoughts and feelings ran through the minds of the servants whom Jesus enlisted to help with this momentous moment.  How strange, and perhaps even senseless, might it have felt to attempt to remedy this situation by simply filling up jars with water.  It would have been all too easy for the servants to laugh at the task presented before them and refuse. However, there is not a single reference of even a smattering of external questioning or doubt.  The servants, as instructed by Mary, did as they were told.  And how glorious that by doing so they should witness such a miracle.

I also think it’s worth noting that John chooses to draw our attention to the fact that they filled the jars “to the brim.”  They put all of their faith in what was going to happen.  They left nothing out.  Do we do the same?  When we want the Lord to show up, or even work a miracle, which to the ordinary eye seems impossible, do we pour out all our faith in expectancy and trust?  Or do we perhaps hold something back for fear of being disappointed?  Ah, but we forget, even when his plan is different from ours, He is a God of faithfulness, of fulfillment, of promise.  

Journeying with our Lord often seems to mirror the story of the servants at Cana.  It is a series of these little, trustful moments, ones of jumping into the water without being able to clearly see who is going to catch us.  We don’t have a neatly labeled, predictable storyline of our lives, and I pray the Lord gives me the faith to never want such a thing.  I draw closer to Him not in the moments where things are going as planned but in the leap of faith that leads to more than I ever asked for.  It is at those times He is revealing to me a love and faith I have in Him that I didn’t even think was possible. Jesus desires a hundred times over that our lives are lived with every part of us laid down in trust; let’s give Him that.  


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