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Writer's pictureKara Pauley

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle A

Matthew 22:1-14

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)

Matthew 22:1-14

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)

Jesus tells a parable to the Jewish leaders about the kingdom of heaven, which still holds meaning and parallels for us today. The king, God the Father, prepares a Heavenly feast for his Son, Jesus. He sends his servants, the prophets and disciples, to invite a chosen people, the people of Israel. However, those invited, such as many Jewish leaders, actively reject God’s own Son. The king’s servants were also maltreated, such as the prophets who were often abused and killed, as well as the Apostles and saints who were martyred for their faith.

In response, the king destroys their city, which represents Jerusalem. Then the invitation was given to all people. As the Gospel verse reads that “good and bad” were invited, we see in the Gospels how Jesus drew in “public sinners” like tax collectors and prostitutes. Even Gentiles were welcomed into the fold.

Yet at the wedding, the king notices a guest not wearing a wedding garment. He asks for a reason, but when he does not receive an answer, he says to his servants, “Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Like the wedding guests, we also are also expected to prepare to stand before God when he comes. Although He will not be expecting our finest clothes, He asks for our best in other ways. He is looking for us to answer Jesus’ call to follow Him, to obey His commands, and the act in His ways.

Like the first invited guests, we should consider if there are ways that we turn down God’s invitation. Do we use work and busyness as an excuse to ignore the call? Do we profess to believe but show up without accountability?

The good news is that the Lord calls us repeatedly, and His invitation to join Him is open to all. God also has a history of drawing in those who society would label as unworthy, so there is no reason to believe that we have not been invited. All that is left for us to do is accept the invitation and put forth our best effort as if the feast is already ready.

By Kara Pauley


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