Niki is a cradle Catholic who really started her discipleship journey while attending Ball State University after being invited to join a vibrant campus community through a bible study. After receiving her Bachelor's in English and Creative Writing, Niki went on to earn a graduate degree at the University College of London in Publishing Studies. She then came back to South Bend and now works as a Marketing Specialist for Ave Maria Press, a Catholic nonprofit publishing company.
Most likely place to find you:
Pretty much any cafe in town, but in particular Cloud Walking, Chicory, or Java Cafe.
Favorite Saint:
St. Elizabeth of Hungary has been very important to me throughout my life. She was the saint I dressed up for All Saints Day in the third grade because I wanted to be a princess. She then became my confirmation saint and just kind of followed me from there, including being a bonding moment with someone who also had her as a confirmation saint that would later become one of my best friends. She really has been a patron for me and her story of fighting against setting boundaries between the privileged and the poor and marginalized is one I find inspiring.
What excites you about Ablaze Mission:
There are lots of reasons I like working with Ablaze Mission, but the main one is the healing of connection that the community building can bring. We really can feel like we are set adrift in the world if we cannot find community and people we can share what is important to us. I like helping to make those connections, both interpersonally with other young adults, but also helping find connection between people and God.
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